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File List  |  1993-03-31  |  9KB  |  129 lines

  1. ARABIC.ZIP    165,842   2-09-93  InText-Arabic English/Arabic
  2.                                  Word Processor
  3. BABBLE20.ZIP  164,535   2-09-93  Babble, Creativity tool for writers
  4.                                  Automatic analyzing text styel/contents
  5. BOXER40.ZIP   273,529   2-09-93  Boxer, One of the best text editors yet
  6.                                  Next to QEdit, use with many styles
  7. BREEZE_1.ZIP  183,425   2-09-93  Breeze, Easy to use Text Editor/Word 1/2
  8.                                  Processor program it does what you ask
  9. BREEZE_2.ZIP  121,713   2-09-93  Breeze, Easy to use Text Editor/Word 2/2
  10.                                  Processor program it does what you ask
  11. BYDESIGN.ZIP  207,249   2-09-93  By Design, The Graphic Designer for Word
  12.                                  Perfect 5.0 or 5.1
  13. CLICHE14.ZIP  286,994   2-09-93  Cliche Finder, Help avoid use of trite
  14.                                  and OverUsed words and phrases
  15. CODE_40.ZIP   138,549   2-09-93  Code to Code, Collections of programs
  16.                                  to delete various DTP Word Processors
  17. CONTACT1.ZIP  189,126   2-17-93  In∙Contact, Complete Contact Manager 
  18.                                  Packed w/Feature for Professionals 1/3
  19. CONTACT2.ZIP  117,355   2-17-93  In∙Contact, Complete Contact Manager 
  20.                                  Packed w/Feature for Professionals 2/3
  21. CONTACT3.ZIP   76,178   2-17-93  In∙Contact, Complete Contact Manager 
  22.                                  Packed w/Feature for Professionals 3/3
  23. DIARY_11.ZIP  176,505   2-09-93  CumberLand Diary, Diary/Journal Entry
  24.                                  Program may be printed singly or groups
  25. DISKJOB.ZIP   201,519   2-09-93  DiskJob [For Want Ads], Quickly , easily
  26.                                  enter Names and Addresses of Employers
  27. EUROPEAN.ZIP  169,301   2-09-93  InText-Euproian, First and Only Multi-
  28.                                  Lingual Word Processing Program
  29. FARSI.ZIP     164,005   2-09-93  InText-Farsi English/Farsi
  30.                                  Word Processor
  31. FUGUE_1.ZIP   260,179   2-06-93  Word Fugue, Heavy Duty Word Processing
  32.                                  program ideal for touch typist 1/4
  33. FUGUE_2.ZIP   279,115   2-06-93  Word Fugue, Heavy Duty Word Processing
  34.                                  program ideal for touch typist 2/4
  35. FUGUE_3.ZIP   204,147   2-06-93  Word Fugue, Heavy Duty Word Processing
  36.                                  program ideal for touch typist 3/4
  37. FUGUE_4.ZIP   360,283   2-06-93  Word Fugue, Heavy Duty Word Processing
  38.                                  program ideal for touch typist 4/4
  39. GAELIC.ZIP    165,254   2-09-93  InText-Gaelic English/Gaelic
  40.                                  Word Processor
  41. GALAXY_1.ZIP  267,879   2-06-93  Galaxy, Full Featured and Laser Support
  42.                                  Word Processor with ease of learning 1/2
  43. GALAXY_2.ZIP   41,370   2-06-93  Galaxy, Full Featured and Laser Support
  44.                                  Word Processor with ease of learning 2/2
  45. GREEK.ZIP     165,693   2-09-93  InText-Greek English/Greek
  46.                                  Word Processor
  47. KWIKWRIT.ZIP  171,008   2-09-93  KwikWrite, An easy to Learn and easy to
  48.                                  use affordable word Pworcessing Program
  49. LH_KIT10.ZIP  168,518   2-09-93  The LetterHead Kit, For Word Perfect 5.1
  50.                                  Letterhead Creation application
  51. LISTPLUS.ZIP  101,741   2-09-93  List Plus, Superb Text File Viewing with
  52.                                  3 Different configurations
  53. MACDEC3.ZIP   211,312   2-09-93  MacDEC3, Word Perfect Advanced Mcros
  54.                                  that cam make work easier and faster
  55. MACNO60.ZIP   184,304   2-09-93  MacNo, Macros to provide the user with
  56.                                  easy access to Powerful WP Features
  57. MAXIREAD.ZIP   94,021   2-09-93  Maxi-Read, Menu Driven writing anlysis
  58.                                  Program to access style and complexity
  59. MEGAEDIT.ZIP   75,842   2-17-93  Mega Edit, Powerful ASCII Text Editor
  60.                                  to Faciliate Complex Editing tasks
  61. PCW_1.ZIP     271,853   2-06-93  PC-Write Standard Level, Adaptable Word
  62.                                  Processing Program from QuickSoft 1/4
  63. PCW_2.ZIP     163,994   2-06-93  PC-Write Standard Level, Adaptable Word
  64.                                  Processing Program from QuickSoft 2/4
  65. PCW_3.ZIP     132,695   2-06-93  PC-Write Standard Level, Adaptable Word
  66.                                  Processing Program from QuickSoft 3/4
  67. PCW_4.ZIP     279,958   2-06-93  PC-Write Standard Level, Adaptable Word
  68.                                  Processing Program from QuickSoft 4/4
  69. PENPAL_1.ZIP  272,160   2-06-93  PenPal, General Purpose Word Processing
  70.                                  designed for easy use of this prgram 1/3
  71. PENPAL_2.ZIP  133,463   2-06-93  PenPal, General Purpose Word Processing
  72.                                  designed for easy use of this prgram 2/3
  73. PENPAL_3.ZIP  135,986   2-06-93  PenPal, General Purpose Word Processing
  74.                                  designed for easy use of this prgram 3/3
  75. PERFECTP.ZIP   37,803   2-09-93  Perfect Pop, Very Useful collection of
  76.                                  PopUp Menus to use eith Word Perfect
  77. PE_286.ZIP    288,644   2-09-93  pE [The Perfect Editor] ASCII texteditor
  78.                                  program in Windowed Environment
  79. POLISH.ZIP    164,913   2-09-93  InText-Polish English/Polish
  80.                                  Word Processor
  81. READPLUS.ZIP  144,583   2-09-93  Readability Plus, Analyzing your writing
  82.                                  insure that your material in interested
  83. RESUME.ZIP    126,522   2-09-93  Re$ume, Great Resume Program witk many
  84.                                  Forms & fonts to help you get the Job
  85. RESUME2.ZIP    89,018   2-09-93  Resume Shop, Informative and concise
  86.                                  resume program [Impressive Resumes]
  87. RUSSIAN.ZIP   157,241   2-09-93  InText-Russian Ebglish Russian
  88.                                  Word Processor
  89. SHARE23B.ZIP  254,726   2-09-93  ShareSpell, StandAlone fantastic program
  90.                                  for spell checking
  91. STORY_11.ZIP  212,760   2-09-93  CumberLand Story, Helps write and print
  92.                                  your life story and/or Ancestors
  93. TEXTCON.ZIP    71,999   2-09-93  TextCon & TextOut, 2 powerful programs
  94.                                  to use with Word Perfect 5.xx
  95. THEASUR.ZIP   308,741   2-09-93  Treasure Plus, Excellent Memory resident
  96.                                  Treasures over 50,000 words
  97. THELMA_1.ZIP  159,911   2-09-93  Thelma ThistleBlossom, Grammer and
  98.                                  Style Checker, helps to write strong 1/2
  99. THELMA_2.ZIP  245,305   2-09-93  Thelma ThistleBlossom, Grammer and
  100.                                  Style Checker, helps to write strong 2/2
  101. TURKISH.ZIP   164,535   2-09-93  InText-Turkish English/Trukish
  102.                                  Word Processor
  103. URDU.ZIP      164,950   2-09-93  InText-Urdu English/Urdu
  104.                                  Word Processor
  105. VDE_EDIT.ZIP  119,953   2-09-93  VDE Editors, simple small text editor
  106.                                  program that offers simplicity
  107. WORD172A.ZIP  100,033   2-06-93  Word Master, Full featured ASCII word
  108.                                  Processor with pulldown menu Syetem 1/2
  109. WORD172B.ZIP   90,550   2-06-93  Word Master, Full featured ASCII word
  110.                                  Processor with pulldown menu Syetem 2/2
  111. WPMAC516.ZIP   73,968   2-09-93  WP-MAC, Collection of over 100 Macros
  112.                                  for use with Word Perfect 5.1
  113. WPMACRO.ZIP    95,728   2-09-93  Wrod Perfect Macros, Addresses, Labels
  114.                                  Fonts, Menus, and Much More
  115. WPMENUS.ZIP    49,994   2-09-93  Word Perfect Menus, Additional Moving
  116.                                  Menus for OWrd Perfect 5.1
  117. WPT51B.ZIP    232,794   3-26-92  WPTools, Collection of 14 utility tools
  118.                                  for use with Word Perfect WordProcessor
  119. WPWONDER.ZIP  136,846   2-09-93  Word Perfect Wonder, Prepare forms, Pull
  120.                                  Down Menus and over 30 other functions
  121. WP_STYLE.ZIP   59,941   2-09-93  Word Perfect Style, Great writing style
  122.                                  and analyzer for Word Perfect 5.xx
  123. WRITER10.ZIP   41,537   2-09-93  Writer's Productivity Package, for
  124.                                  Writer who use Word Perfect 5.xx
  125. WSTYLE.ZIP     90,394   2-09-93  WStyle, Help improve writing style in 2
  126.                                  ways to check for spells and errors
  127. YUGOSLAV.ZIP  163,979   2-09-93  InText-Yugoslavian English/Yugoslavian
  128.                                  Word Processor